Mens Circuit Tungsten Ring

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Mens Circuit Tungsten Ring

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All right men, listen up… Our Tungsten Ring is a whole new kind of tough Get in here and take a knee. I’m going to say this fast. And I’m only going to say it once. This is not the time to back down. You’ve done a lot to come this far, and the only thing that’s going to take you farther is something you’ve all got: toughness. But out there, you’ve got to find the kind of toughness that they tell stories about for years to come. You’ve got to dig down deep, take things up a notch. Everyone’s expecting a big performance. Something for the ages. And that takes a whole new kind of tough. I know you’re ready. Go out there and make me proud. That might be the speech we’d give this ring, if it needed a pep talk. But the fact of the matter is, when you’re dealing with tungsten, pep talks are sort of useless. That’s because the metal in our Stauer Circuit Tungsten Ring can’t get much tougher. Named for the old Swedish word for “heavy stone,” tungsten is four times harder than titanium and 71% denser than lead. It’s the very same metal used in armor-piercing bullets and rocket nozzles. The Stauer Circuit is an imposing “heavy metal” band that exhibits the smooth, cool grey of tungsten accented by a “racing stripe” of gold-finished shine. The Circuit’s impressive display of manly metals creates a classic look that is sure to earn a place in your starting line-up of personal style.

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